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Medical Studies – Fail!

Almost daily we read of some new medical study which declares a certain food or substance to be beneficial to our health, and then several months later we read another report that claims the same substance is not beneficial or even harmful. These all too common events beg the the following questions:

  • How can supposedly scientific studies contradict each other?
  • Are scientific studies reliable?
  • How can we determine the truth?

Modern double-blind studies are the gold standard of medical science today. As a result most Americans place unqualified faith in them, including medical professionals, government and court officials, and the members of the press. Is this faith well founded? Are double-blind studies truly reliable? This article will answer those questions and more – you will learn for yourself how to determine what is best for your own health.

Living organisms are exceedingly complex. As a result, it is difficult to devise a study to reliably show the health or harm of any given substance. It is even more difficult to remove human bias from the interpretation of the study. The fact that unqualified trust has been placed in modern double-blind medical studies has resulted in the suppression of many natural … Read the rest

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#1 Cause of Accidental Deaths – Not What You Think

Do you know what the #1 cause of accidental deaths in America is? Is it:

  1. Terrorism
  2. Car Accidents
  3. Gunshots
  4. None of the above

If you answered number 4, go to the head of the class. The #1 cause of accidental deaths is no longer car accidents, but drugs. Not just illegal drugs mind you, but legal drugs as well. In fact the number of deaths due to legal drugs far outnumbers those for illegal drugs.

Most people are not aware of the extreme dangers of legal pharmaceutical drugs, even ones available over the counter. Did you know that taking Tylenol even as indicated or prescribed can lead to liver failure? Did you know that the FDA’s main interest lies in maximizing pharmaceutical companies profit rather than public safety? That’s right. The head of the FDA is a political appointee. Who gets appointed? Whoever gives the most to the president’s campaign. In this case, the big drug companies name their man – usually a former CEO of one of them. Just do some research on Donald Rumsfeld and aspartame if you don’t believe me.

Another way in which drugs become more dangerous is when they go off patent. A drug … Read the rest

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Why Provide Your Own Food?

While to some this question may be obvious, to many it is not. Food in America is both abundant and cheap. Go to any grocery store, and you will be presented with a cornucopia of food. Fresh produce is always available even when out of season. Sandwiched in between the meat/eggs/dairy section and the produce aisle is the bulk of the store, teaming with every kind of convenience and pre-made food imaginable. A person doesn’t even need to cook anymore – just a trip to the kitchen freezer, one can usually find a pre-cooked meal ready to be heated and eaten. So why should anyone even cook their own food, much less grow and process it?

Here are some reasons to ponder:


Independence is what being a Provider is all about. Americans don’t realize just how dependent we are on large corporations for one of the most basic and essential needs for life – food. Our food supply is carefully managed and controlled, with the power over it concentrated in only a few hands. Production is carefully controlled by just a few large corporations, processing and distribution by those same corporations, and the retailing by another small set of … Read the rest

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