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Testing for Food Allergies

Like many Americans, I have some food allergies. Despite suffering from them for years I was not even aware of them until recently. My only symptoms were a partially stuffed nose, which is why I never paid it much notice. Added to that was the fact that I usually consumed all of the four foods I was allergic to on a daily basis. This practice ensured the symptoms were constant, and I had mistakenly assumed they were due to airborne allergens.

Food Allergy Testing

While I had identified the foods to which I was susceptible by myself, I was looking into ordering a blood test to add to my sparse knowledge. The most popular type of food allergy testing is based on measuring for a marker called IgG. It is a fairly mainstream test, and multitudes rely on it to determine their food allergies and adjust their diet according to its results. Tragically, research has shown that this test has little basis for validity, and there is considerable clinical evidence that it not only is ineffective, but even plain wrong. This means that foods that show a response on the test may actually be foods a person can tolerate well.… Read the rest

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