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Flax Seeds for Breast Cancer & Health

Lignans are a type of plant compound known as polyphenols found in flaxseeds, sesame seeds, berries, and other foods.

Source: Lignans Play an Important Role in Optimal Health

This ground breaking article breaking article by Dr. Mercola, examines some of the many health benefits of eating freshly ground .

One of the more significant benefits is in preventing and even curing breast cancer. He cites one case where a woman’s tumor shrank significantly from consuming flax seeds.

One of the principal mechanisms by which it benefits is in estrogen regulation. Since many other types of cancers, including prostrate cancer is estrogen driven, both women and men can benefit from flax seeds.

Another benefit of flax seeds is estrogen regulation. They not only reduce excess estrogen, but can increase low estrogen levels as well. This is an important benefit to aging women. Since older men suffer from excess estrogen levels due to conversion from testosterone, I believe flax seeds would provide similar benefits for older men.

Because of the highly perishable nature of flax seeds once ground, it is important to keep and store only fresh whole flax seeds, and grind them just before consuming. To get sufficient benefits, studies have … Read the rest

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Want to Die From Cancer? – Get Chemotherapy

iv drip

A new study (NOTE: link is invalid, see update at end of article) from mainstream sources has not only confirmed that chemotherapy does more harm than good, but discovers the mechanism by which chemotherapy almost ensures death by cancer. This finding is nothing new to those who have much experience with the medical industry’s track record in treating cancer. The typical process experienced by most cancer patients is as follows:

  1. Get biopsy confirming cancer
  2. Become scared and sign up for whatever treatment the doctor recommends – usually chemotherapy
  3. Endure months of living hell (from the chemo) and withdraw from normal life
  4. Doctor declares the cancer is gone and a new day dawns
  5. Six months to a year later, the cancer returns
  6. More chemo, radiation, etc. – nothing works now and despair begins to set in
  7. Doctor says nothing more can be done and gives up
  8. Patient looks to natural alternatives and usually heads to Mexico
  9. By this time, even natural methods don’t work and patient finally succumbs

I don’t have exact statistics, but I would venture that this scenario is played out with some variation about 90% of the time or more. As I mentioned in this article, as … Read the rest

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Conventional Cancer Treatments versus Alternative Cancer Therapies

iv drip

My article The Cancer Fraud has begun to elicit criticism from defenders of conventional medicine. It is difficult to change paradigms, especially when so much is at stake. My heart goes out to cancer sufferers and their families. However difficult it is to consider new ideas, we must face them if we are to avoid the inevitable suffering that cancer produces. Conventional medicine is an abysmal failure in treating cancer. It is time to face that fact.

A defender of conventional medicine has raised some good points that I would like to address. Following are his points and my response to each one.

Effectiveness of Conventional Treatments

“You know what you call alternative medicine that works? Medicine. Until that point alternative medicine has either been proven to be not right, or not proven to be right.”

Your definition of conventional medicine is treatments that have proven effective, while alternative medicine is comprised of treatments that are not proven in their effectiveness. When they are, they become conventional medicine.

While in an ideal world, this idea would be sound. In an ideal world, men would always tell the truth. Men would not hide, distort or even overlook information for personal gain. … Read the rest

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The Cancer Fraud

Recently I went to the viewing of a friend and neighbor whose life was taken by cancer. Or rather that is what we are told to say and believe. What I mean is that I question whether cancer is the almost certain mark of death we are lead to believe or rather the result of widespread ignorance, quackery and even, dare I say – fraud.

The Accusation

Fraud. That is a strong word, and even stronger when used as an accusation. What is this fraud I am accusing of? And who am I accusing? In order to answer these questions, let us compare cancer to a similar disease; adult onset diabetes. This disease shares many common factors with cancer. Like cancer, its diagnosis translates to nearly certain death. The only thing modern medicine can do for the diabetic is to postpone that death; first by drugs, then by insulin, followed by surgery, dialysis or other medical interventions. Compare it to the medical approach to cancer. The goal is identical – prolong the patient’s life by any expedient means, while the disease continues; its true underlying causes unchecked. Surgery, drugs and such are used on cancer patients which is very similar … Read the rest

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