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New Study Shows Eating Cheese Helps Prevent Diabetes

A new study shows that eating 2 slices of cheese a day cuts the average person’s risk of type 2 diabetes by 12 percent. Of course such findings seem to be causing the health authority mentioned in the article to have a cow:

We recommend a healthy balanced diet, rich in fruit and vegetables and low in salt and fat. This study gives us no reason to believe that people should change their dairy intake in an attempt to avoid the condition.

The reason being according to the article:

The findings go against current health guidelines, which advise cutting back on dairy products and other high-fat foods to help prevent the illness.

The current low-fat high-carb diet recommended by health authorities is just nonsense. For example, the study also showed similar reductions in diabetes when subjects ate yoghurt instead of cheese. The facts are that quality whole foods such as cheese and yoghurt are not the health demons they are claimed to be. Rather, these are the very foods that will keep us the most healthy.

It is no mere coincidence that the incidence of diabetes began to skyrocket when fat consumption was demonized. Eating healthy fats are how you … Read the rest

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