New Study Shows Eating Cheese Helps Prevent Diabetes

A new study shows that eating 2 slices of cheese a day cuts the average person’s risk of type 2 diabetes by 12 percent. Of course such findings seem to be causing the health authority mentioned in the article to have a cow:

We recommend a healthy balanced diet, rich in fruit and vegetables and low in salt and fat. This study gives us no reason to believe that people should change their dairy intake in an attempt to avoid the condition.

The reason being according to the article:

The findings go against current health guidelines, which advise cutting back on dairy products and other high-fat foods to help prevent the illness.

The current low-fat high-carb diet recommended by health authorities is just nonsense. For example, the study also showed similar reductions in diabetes when subjects ate yoghurt instead of cheese. The facts are that quality whole foods such as cheese and yoghurt are not the health demons they are claimed to be. Rather, these are the very foods that will keep us the most healthy.

It is no mere coincidence that the incidence of diabetes began to skyrocket when fat consumption was demonized. Eating healthy fats are how you prevent diabetes. A low fat diet is a recipe for a health disaster. To help you prevent your own health disaster, here are some of our own tips for not only preventing diabetes, but even eliminating it once you have it:

Tips for Preventing Diabetes

Eat a low carb diet

Limit your carb intake to about 30gms per day. Avoid bread, cereals and other grains, potatoes, candy, and soft drinks. Eat fruit in moderation, especially those high in sugar such as grapes and raisins. Diabetes is a very simple disease – it is simply a cascade of organ failures caused by too much sugar in the bloodstream. Cutting off the source of that sugar is the best place to start.

I know it is hard to deal with a sweet tooth. If it will help, a small piece of candy once in a while is okay. The real dangers are hidden starches and sugars found in processed foods.

Eat lots of good fat

Not all fats are equal. Some are very healthy, and while others are extremely harmful. So called vegetable oils, which are actually fats made from grain, are very bad for you. Animal fats from grass-fed animals are very healthy – eat as much as you can. Grain fattened animal fat is not as good, but still better than vegetable fat – eat these in moderation. Fats you should eat include olive oil, coconut oil, fats from pastured animals such as lard and tallow. Eat as much as you like of these fats. Eating these fats have these benefits. They

  • satisfy your hunger – you will eat less and may even lose weight
  • slow the release of glucose in your bloodstream
  • reduce the artery clogging effects of vegetable oils
  • help prevent many of our modern western diseases

For many of these animal fats, you’ll have to find a local farm source, but you can order some excellent raw milk cheese made from grass-fed cows here.

Avoid diet products and artificial sugars

Artificial sweeteners such as Nutrasweet (aspartame) and Splenda (sucralose) have many harmful effects on your health. Aspartame is strongly suspected as being a neuro-toxin due to its aspartic acid content (40% of aspartame) as well as other potential neuro-toxins such as methanol contained in aspartame.

An even bigger problem with these artificial sweeteners is their important role in causing obesity which is strongly associated with diabetes. By consuming foods with artificial sweeteners, they stimulate the appetite rather than satisfy it. This stimulation leads to hunger and overconsumption at mealtime as well as cravings for high carb snacks.

An excellent alternative to these artificial sweeteners is a natural low calorie sweetener called Xylitol. It is made from Beech trees and is the safest sugar alternative known. I recommend it and use it regularly myself. Many people also enjoy Stevia which is also a safe alternative sweetener.

Avoid fructose

Many products are sweetened with either high fructose corn syrup or fruit juice. As bad as ordinary sugar (sucrose) is for you, excessive amounts of fructose is even worse. Sharing similar appetite stimulating properties as artificial sweeteners, fructose is strongly linked to insulin resistance which is the precursor to type 2 diabetes.

Reduce food intake

An important factor in diabetes is excess carbs and sugars. Reducing the amount of food you eat is just as important as what food you eat. While it may sound like eating less will leave you ravenously hungry, you can do so without excessive hunger. By following the previous tips, your appetite will diminish and food cravings will go away doses of synthroid. It is the poor quality food rich in excess carbs and sugars that cause these food cravings. This effect is by design. By creating these cravings, food manufacturers can sell more product. By eliminating most processed foods and substituting whole foods, you can escape this vicious cycle.

Take Dietary Supplements

There are certain dietary supplements which are known to help with lowering insulin resistance and controlling blood glucose. Here is a partial list:

Parting Thoughts

If these tips seem to be overwhelming, one of the best places to start is to simply start eating natural whole foods. Avoid processed foods as much as possible. If it comes in a box or can, try to avoid it.

The food industry wants to sell you manufactured food – more if it can. It does not care about your health. Isn’t it time to take charge of your food choices?

New Study Shows Eating Cheese Helps Prevent Diabetes by Provide Your Own is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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